10 Books to Help You Sustain a New, Healthier Diet

The first book I read on healthy food, Wheat Belly, was suggested by a physician as I sat in a patient room receiving the results of my CT scan in the spring of 2014. My sinuses were nearly 100% compacted, and after five rounds of antibiotics, I was looking at having sinus surgery to clear my sinuses. As relieving as the surgery was, what turned my life around was the discussion the doctor had with me regarding my diet. We reviewed all of my symptoms and he seemed to believe that a change could make a difference. He and his wife were wheat-free and he suggested I read the book, Wheat Belly and begin a wheat-free lifestyle.
I went home and ordered the book which became the beginning of a life-changing pursuit. I removed the wheat from my diet within a couple of weeks and within six months I had weaned myself of all of my medications and had no symptoms of illness. No longer was I sick with colds, suffering from acid reflux, chronic sinus infections, asthma, bronchitis and pneumonia. Gone was the brain fog, fatigue, headaches, the feeling that I could barely make it through the day. I was on the road to recovery, to living a quality filled life with physical and emotional energy, relieved of chronic illnesses and a sense of mental clarity.
Since then, I continue to read and research the impacts of food. Below is a list of our 10 top book recommendations for understanding the effects the food we choose has on our bodies and how healthy food can make a positive change for a healthy life.
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Wheat Belly by William Davis, MD
The author of the Wheat Belly describes how wheat has been a detriment to our health. The wheat that we use today is not the wheat of our ancestors a hundred years ago. Many hybridizations have changed wheat over the last century changing the structure of the wheat and how it impacts our bodies. Wheat also increases blood sugar and causes visceral fat. An inflammatory response ensues with increased weight gain, cancer and heart disease.
*Additional books by William Davis, MD include Wheat Belly Cookbook, Wheat Belly 30 Minutes Or Less Cookbook, Wheat Belly Total Health, Undoctored and 10-Day Grain Detox.
Grain Brain by David Perlmutter
I began reading this book as my father was battling Alzheimers. Over a period of years, I witnessed a slow decline of his physical and mental abilities until he was no longer able to care for himself and eventually unable to swallow or breathe. I decided leaving wheat out of my diet was not enough to aid me in reducing my risk for this debilitating illness. In Perlmutter’s book, Grain Brain he reveals how the health of our brain is determined by what we eat. Wheat, sugar and carbs all play a part in triggering inflammation which contribute to complications in the brain. The book has a 4-week plan to reduce your risk for crippling brain diseases as well as other chronic conditions.
*Grain Brain Cookbook, Brain Maker, Grain Brain Whole LIfe Plan, and Brain Wash are additional books written by David Perlmutter.
Eat Dirt by Dr. Josh Axe
Dr. Josh Axe explains how many of us have “leaky gut syndrome”. He explains what “leaky gut” is and how we can improve our gut health in five steps. The book includes recipes for home products, self care products and recipes for snacks, smoothies and meals.
Cara and I both use Dr. Axe’s Ancient Nutrition Multi Collagen Protein Powder as a supplement in our smoothies after our workouts for muscle repair. Collagen stimulates and supports skin, hair, nail, bone and joint growth and health, which we talk about in this post.
Kiss The Ground by Josh Tickell
This book dives into the history of our country’s farming practices. Moreover, it speaks on how we can produce healthy food to heal our bodies as well as care for our planet for the future. The depletion of topsoil worldwide, known as soil desertification, has brought scientists to the conclusion that if soil degradation continues we will only have topsoil available for 60 more years of planting food. Regenerative farming sequesters the carbon back down into the soil. This is due to no-till practices and cover crops to support healthy soil and food. In conclusion, this book reveals how we can feed and save the world at the same time.
*Kiss The Ground documentary was released in September 2020 on Netflix.
Cholesterol Clarity by Jimmy Moore with Eric C. Westman, MD
What do you really need to know about your cholesterol numbers? Are you worried what your doctor may say or prescribe if your numbers are too high or too low? The authors of Cholesterol Clarity give a clear description of what each of your cholesterol markers mean and provide nutritional guidelines to assist you in having peak health.
*Additionally, Keto Clarity is written by Jimmy Moore.
Never Fear Cancer Again: How to Prevent and Reverse Cancer by Raymond Francis, M.Sc.
A couple of years ago as my daughter was undergoing treatments for cancer a friend suggested this book to me. As a parent, I wanted to read Never Fear Cancer Again to support her in how she could live a healthy life to prevent any recurrence. In the book, Raymond Francis outlines not only the nutritional pathway to preventing and possibly reversing cancer but includes mental, physical, medical, toxin, and genetic pathways. The book describes how toxicity and deficiency are two sources of illness. If eliminated by nourishment and detoxification, cancer can be prevented.
*Never Be Sick Again is also written by Raymond Francis.
Food: What the Heck Should I Cook? By Mark Hyman, MD
Mark Hyman shares a personal story of food in his life and his philosophy where he describes his newly named “Pegan” diet. He discusses choosing the right foods for your kitchen, gives some cooking and tool tips. Then, finishes with recipes for breakfast, snacks, basics, meat and vegetables. My favorite recipe in his book is the Grain-free Lemon Blueberry Pancakes. They are absolutely delicious!!
*Mark Hyman also wrote the book, Food Fix.
Low Carb, High Fat: Food Revolution by Andreas Eenfeldt, MD
In the book Low Carb, High Fat, Andreas Eenfeldt debunks the theory of low fat foods. WIth the scare of saturated fat in the 1960’s, the low-fat diet emerged. In the 1980’s, the low fat diet was the norm and this premise may be the cause of our current epidemic of obesity and diabetes as well as heart disease and cancers. Major research, cited in his book, is being done on what is truly best for our wellness. I chose to read this book because I was eating a similar diet. My diet consists of many vegetables, healthy fats such as avocados, pasteurized eggs, nuts, oils (olive, coconut and avocado), cheeses with small portions of grass-fed or wild-caught meats.
What Did I Just Eat? Surprising Facts About Food by Dr. Ryan Berlin, Dr Patrick Baker and Dr. Paul Baker
This book is a handy guide to acquire basic info about the food we should avoid and food we should stock in our homes. By replacing items in your kitchen with healthier options, you are driven to make smarter choices. The authors divide the book into two sections, low in nutrition and nutrient-rich. What Did I Just Eat is an easy read and explains why different foods are destructive or beneficial for our bodies.
Body Love by Kelly LeVeque
This book is Cara’s favorite book about healthy food. Being a young adult, she wanted to find a wellness advocate that she could relate to and identify with. Kelly LeVeque is a celebrity nutritionist and focuses on a holistic approach. In Body Love, you learn the science of food, metabolism and blood sugar. The book talks about why fad diets don’t work and how to create a sustainable approach to food. She introduces the reader to her simple formula, “the Fab Four”. You can use this to guide your meals throughout the day to see results like reduced cravings and weight loss!
What book do you want to read first?
Each of these books gets to the heart of the matter – FOOD. What foods are toxic to our bodies and we should be avoiding? What foods help to nourish and bring physical and mental wellness? Many other factors such as mental, physical and genetics are discussed in the books but a very significant impact on our health is what we choose to eat. Every bite we take either nourishes our bodies or causes harm. My hope is one or more of these books give you insight on the direction you want to take for your health journey.

Hi my name is Victoria! After years of struggling with illnesses, I began a journey of finding healthier alternatives in every aspect of my life. Over the past 7 years, I have researched health, nutrition, sustainability and gardening, and I am looking forward to sharing that knowledge with you!
Great book list! I’m saving this.